Ligature Training

Ligature training

Sadly, levels of self-harm and suicide within the UK remain high and continue to increase, with ligatures being the most commonly used method by those wishing to end their lives.

This makes training in ligature response before an incident occurs, a vital element in ensuring their safety.

If you have a duty of care towards people who are likely to attempt to end their lives, you have a proactive duty under many pieces of legislation to have steps in place to mitigate these risks. This includes having staff trained in how to deal with incidents. (i.e. removal of ligature and the appropriate first aid training).

Our clients include;

  • Drug and Rehabilitation centres
  • Adoption and Foster care centres staff and parents
  • Residential and day care centres
  • NHS Foundation Trusts
  • Secondary Schools, Colleges and Universities
  • Police and Probation Service, Ambulance and Fire Service

For CQC assessed care venues, ligature assessments, emergency procedures and training are always an area that inspectors give particular scrutiny.

Also known as “cut down training”, our ligature training courses help you understand the injuries that you’re likely to find and how to deal with them. We cover how to deal with different ligature incident situations, which ligature cutter you should invest in, how to use a range of ligature cutters.

Until recently, alongside our bespoke courses, we also offered an Ofqual accredited course. But due to lack of popularity, the Awarding Organisation who owned the qualification have subsequently withdrawn it, making it no-longer available.

Immediate help and support:

If you, or someone you know, is at immediate risk of suicide, call 999.
Email: [email protected]Tel: 116123Text: 07860 039967
Women's AidWebsite:
Email: [email protected]Tel: 0808 2000 247
Age UKWebsite:
Tel: 0800 678 1602
Email: [email protected]Tel: 0300 123 3393
Email: [email protected]Tel: 0800 068 41 41
WebChat: 0800 58 58 58
Email: [email protected]Tel: 0300 304 7000
Get Support: 0800 1111
Get Support: 0800 018 2138

Not sure which course is right for you?

To find the right course for you and your colleagues, answer the following question:

The person attending the course:They can attend:
• does not have an in-date first aid certificate or done a ligature response course before >Ligature Response and Basic Life Support (7 hours)
• has an in-date first aid certificate, and been on a ligature response course in the last 12 months >Ligature incident response annual refresher training (2 hours)
• has an in-date first aid certificate, but has not done a ligature response course before >Ligature incident response training (4 hours)
• has an in-date first aid certificate, but needs to attend an annual first aid refresher course and has not done a ligature response course before >Ligature incident response training, including Annual Skills Update for first aiders (5 hours)
• manages staff who will be undertaking the actual "hands-on" response >Ligature Training for Managers (coming soon)

Upcoming Course Dates

Available DatesPre-LearningClassroom
(inc breaks)
No Dates?
Ligature Response Refresher Training (2 hours)Jul 9th (3-5pm)
Sep 4th (3-5pm)
Nov 27th (3-5pm)
See "Pre-Requisites" detailed within course description.2 hrEnquire
Ligature Training (4 hours)Jul 9th (9-2pm)
Sep 4th (9-2pm)
Nov 27th (9-2pm)
See "Pre-Requisites" detailed within course description.4 hrEnquire
Ligature Training + Annual Skills Update for First AidersThis course runs by request. Click to enquireSee "Pre-Requisites" detailed within course description.5 hrEnquire
Ligature Response and Basic Life Support (7 hours)This course runs by request. Click to enquire-7 hrEnquire

Showing all 4 results

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