Modern Slavery Statement
Last review: 2024.04
Estimated reading time: 17 minutes
Table of contents
Modern Slavery Statement
Forest Skills Ltd t/a Chris Garland Training (hereafter known as “the Company”), is committed to combatting slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains. We make this Modern Slavery Statement to assist with compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
The Company has a turnover of less than £36 million. As such we fall outside of the legal obligation to produce a modern slavery statement. However:
- We agree that exploitation within all supply chains ending in the UK is a blight on our society. We are therefore committed to playing our part in eliminating any exploitation.
- We understand that customers with obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 cannot comply with those duties without our cooperation.
We confirm that we have examined our own business and, to the extent that it is reasonably practicable, businesses within our supply chain and we confirm the following:
- Within our own business, no relevant offences relating to slavery or human tracking are committed.
- We have made enquiries of businesses that supply directly to us and we are confident that no relevant offence is committed in that business.
- Insofar as it was reasonably practicable, we have examined our supply chains and confirm that we found no evidence of slavery or human trafficking.
Further details about our business and supply chain are provided below.
- Our business provides vocational and non-vocational education training through face to face and online e-learning training courses.
- Our business structure is comprised of one director (lead instructor). The services of specialist external suppliers, such as instructors and assessors, are engaged on an ad hoc basis. They report to the Director as and when their services are engaged.
Area of Operation
We operate in the following countries:
- United Kingdom
Supply Chain
Our supply chain is as follows:
- Ofqual regulated Awarding Organisations and their agents.
- These organisations predominantly operate within the United Kingdom, with limited work being undertake outside of the United Kingdom.
- Venue providers.
- These are both charitable organisations based within the United Kingdom.
- External training providers (instructor/assessors).
- These are SME (Small to Medium Sized) businesses based within the United Kingdom.
- External consultants.
- These are SME (Small to Medium Sized) businesses based within the United Kingdom.
- Online course providers.
- These are SME (Small to Medium Sized) businesses that predominantly operate within the United Kingdom, with limited work being undertake outside of the United Kingdom.
- Consumable training product providers (manuals, bandages, manikin lungs/wipes, etc).
- These businesses are based within the United Kingdom & Ireland.
We understand that certain industry sectors and geographical regions entail greater risk of exploitation than others. Some of our suppliers source from companies located in those sectors.
Where it is reasonably practicable, we ensure that companies in our supply chain have made a similar statement in relation to slavery and human trafficking.
The Director has responsibility for assessing matters relating to slavery and human trafficking.
We also encourage anyone to report on any matters relating to slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains of which they become aware.
Report Concerns Online
Report a Modern Slavery concern online with www.modernslaveryhelpline.org by clicking on the button below (opens in a new tab), or call the UK Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline on 08000 121 700.
Related Pages
- Terms, Conditions
- Health and Safety Policy
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- Safeguarding Policy and Procedures