Chris Garland Training

Your multi-award winning ethical training partners

Useful external links and information pages

Useful links & information. Image of a section of chain.

Useful Links & Information

We’ve grouped together a host of useful external links and information pages that you might find useful for further research into your training needs.

Naturally as these are external links, we’re not responsible for their content, but as they’re professional pages, the information included in them should be the latest and best available.

Simply click on the bold text next to the information you want to access.

Health & Safety

Health and Safety support/consultancy – We only recommend one consultant to help you with your health and safety paperwork; Orchard Compliance Solutions. Click on the link to visit their website.

Free leaflets and information from the HSE!

Health and Safety law posters, leaflets and pocket cards – as an employer you need to display a H&S poster or give each of your employees a H&S guide.

Health and Safety Training – This leaflet explains the importance of health and safety training, why it’s needed and gives advice on who may need training, what form the training may take and how to organise it.

HSG65 Managing for Health and Safety – The essential guidance document explaining the Plan, Do, Check, Act approach to managing H&S, and shows how it can help you achieve a balance between the systems and behavioural aspects of management.

Leading health and safety at work – Actions for directors, board members, business owners and organisations of all sizes.

Manual Handling – A handy leaflet aimed at managers of SME’s. which explains the problems associated with manual handling and gives guidance on how to deal with them. The leaflet gives useful practical advice on reducing the risk of injury from manual handling and helps employers to implement their duties under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.

A collection of HSE reference documents relating to the Health and Safety Regulations, their enforcement and what you (employer and employee) need to do to comply with them.

Lone working guidance and information regarding violence at work.

Working at Height – information and guidance.

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) – information and guidance.

Risk Assessments – This revised leaflet aims to help you identify, assess and control health and safety risks associated with workplace hazards. Sick of paperwork? The new guidance makes it clear that only significant findings need to be recorded.

Display Screen Equipment – Do you work with Display Screen Equipment or employ people who do? This leaflet explains what you may need to do to comply with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.

First Aid

Free leaflets and information from the HSE!

Basic advice on first aid – an ideal leaflet for your first aid kit.

Training Providers – The HSE’s guidance on how to select a competent first aid training provider.

Cyanide poisoning – Recommendations on first aid treatment for employers and first aiders.

Fire Safety

Free leaflets and information from the HSE!

Blog Post – The Responsible, Competent & Relevant Persons

Blog Post – The Fire Safety Risk Assessment

Blog Post – The Fire Safety Log Book

Blog Post – Evacuation Chairs – What you need to know

Food Safety

Free leaflets and information from the HSE!

Do you employ people from overseas? This pocket card is for workers from overseas to explain their health and safety rights at work. It tells them what to expect from their employer and what they need to do themselves.

Info for schools

Incident reporting in schools (accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences): Guidance for employers.

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