Health and Safety Policy
Last review: 2024.01
Estimated reading time: 17 minutes
Table of contents
Policy Statement
Forest Skills Ltd t/a Chris Garland Training (hereafter known as “the Company”) is committed to maintaining safe and healthy working conditions and to preventing accidents and instances of work-related ill health. This will be done by ensuring that all activities carried out on company premises or undertaken by its employees & learners are managed in such a manner so as to avoid, reduce or control all foreseeable risks to the health and safety of anyone who may be affected by such activities as far as is reasonably practicable.
The commitment to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its staff, clients & volunteers is considered to be a management responsibility equal to that of any other.
The Company shall ensure that all staff and visitors to our premises whether wholly owned, leased or hired for training courses shall be as far as is practicable, safe from first arrival to leaving the site.
Employer’s Responsibilities
In furtherance of the above policy statement and the need to ensure compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other relevant health and safety legislation, the Company will:
- Provide and maintain safe equipment and safe systems of work.
- Ensure materials and substances used are properly stored, handled, used and transported.
- Assess the risks to the health and safety of anyone who may be affected by work activities.
- Consult with employees & learners on matters affecting their health and safety
- Ensure that all employees & learners are competent to do their tasks.
- Provide information, training, instruction and supervision.
- Provide a safe place of employment and learning.
- Provide a healthy working environment with adequate welfare facilities.
- Provide a written Health and Safety Policy.
- Look after the health and safety of other people, in addition to employees & learners.
- Implement a monitor & review policy to ensure the effective management of health and safety.
Employees, Learners’ and Learner Responsibilities
It is a fundamental principal that all individuals working with and for the Company must cooperate with us to enable our statutory duties to be met. The successful implementation of our policy requires commitment from everyone.
Employees & Learners have a legal responsibility to take care of the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions or omissions.
Employees & Learners must;
- Co-operate on health and safety issues.
- Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety.
- Report all health and safety concerns to the appropriate person as set out in this policy.
The Director:
- Has overall responsibility for health and safety in the workplace.
- Is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources are made available to allow the implementation of this policy.
- Has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that this policy is implemented.
Managers and Supervisors:
- Must adequately supervise the work activities of Employees & Learners and others under their control.
- Must ensure that safe systems of work are being followed.
Related Pages
- Terms, Conditions
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- Modern Slavery Statement
- Safeguarding Policy and Procedures