Fire Safety Log Book

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Evacuating a building in the event of a fire can be tricky and confusing at the best of times. When evacuating people with reduced mobility or mental capacity the evacuation process is even more challenging. This…

Fire Evacuation Strategy

Fire Evacuation Strategy In every workplace, public place, hospital, care home, school and hopefully a lot of homes, there should be a regularly reviewed Fire Evacuation Plan. This will detail what should happen in the event of a fire. The…

Fire Safety at Home

Fire Safety at home Sample text Fire Safety at home: Shocking figures have been released by the Home Office showing that last year, 248 people lost their lives due to a fire at home. Many of these could have been…

The Fire Safety Log book

The Fire Safety Log book This week, as part of my fire safety blog series, I’m looking into the Fire Safety Log book. If you’ve never heard of a fire safety log book, you may well be wondering what one…

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