Licensed Premises Staff Training E-Learning
This licenced premises staff training course is ideal for anyone working in a licensed premises. This course could be included as part of the induction process or used to further enhance existing staff’s understanding of their responsibilities.
The alcohol licensing laws of the United Kingdom regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol. So it’s important for anyone working in licensed premises to have a basic understanding of these laws and how they apply to them.
This course starts with an overview of UK alcohol licensing laws and the importance of the four key licensing objectives. The course will also discuss mandatory conditions, which are compulsory for all licensed premises and looks in detail at the major issue of age verification. Finally, it outlines the responsibilities involved in alcohol retailing including drinking guidelines and how to avoid and reduce conflict.
Course syllabus includes:
- Introduction
- Premises Licences
- Personal Licences and Club Premises Certificates
- Dealing With Licensing Authorities
- Types of Businesses Selling Alcohol
- Representations and Mandatory Conditions
- Licensing Authority Powers
- Children and Under 18’s
- Responsibility in Alcohol Retailing
- PDF format certificates are issued as standard, as soon as you complete the course.
Course duration:
- The licenced premises staff training course will take the average learner around 1 hour to complete.
- This course is tested online & you’ll need to gain a minimum of 70% to pass.
- You will undertake a multiple choice exam at the end of the course with short tests throughout to help cement your learning.
- We recommend that you have a reasonable understanding of English & maths (e.g. GCSE grade C/Level 2) before undertaking this course.
- Purchase a place for yourself, or purchase a bundle for your colleagues.
Geographical coverage:
- The course is available to candidates in the UK.
- The course can be delivered in other countries however candidates should be aware that the content was developed in accordance with current UK practice, protocols & guidance.
- The licenced premises staff training course can be run on any electronic device, but we recommend that a laptop/desktop is used to ensure that you can see the screen clearly.
Joining instructions:
- Shortly after you purchase your place on the course, we will email you your login details for the course.
- Visit this page to read the course joining instructions including everything you need to know about our e-learning courses.
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