First Aid - Workplace

Title image. Image of two construction workers. One is holding their painful back while the other is supporting them to walk away from the work site. Words written over the image

First Aid – In the Workplace

We offer a range of first aid courses, but this section focuses on courses for those who need to know about first aid for the workplace.

Whether you work in an office or a factory, having some form of first aid provision is a legal requirement. But which first aid course is right for you?

The first starting point is to undertake a first aid needs assessment. This will guide you in understanding the level of first aid training that you need & how many first aiders you should have.

Also think about how much you would be happy to do for someone (how much do you actually need to learn) who you’re helping (ages) and what injuries they’re likely to have (cuts and bruises or something more serious). Do they have pre-existing conditions (Angina, Anaphylaxis, etc)?

Once you’ve worked this out, you’ll be able to select the best first aid training for your needs. As a “rule of thumb”, the longer you’re on a course, the more you’ll learn. Basic courses are 3 hour long, progressing to more advanced courses that last 1, 2, 3 or 4 days.

Details of all our courses can be found below.

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