Fire Safety Training For Employees
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Fire Safety Training For Employees. Fire, since its first discovery has been intrinsic to the human race’s continued survival. However, it is also one of the most destructive natural forces. None of us like to think about worse case scenarios. When it comes to fire, every child is taught very early on, not to touch or play with fire. It makes sense then, to continue this training. In this article, we run through Fire Safety Training for Employees. We look at what fire safety training is, who should take the training and why it is so important.
Fire Fact: In the year ending September 2021 there were 145,208 fires in the UK attended by the fire rescue services. There was 243 fire-related fatalities. Data according to the National Statistics for Fire and rescue incident statistics.
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Why is Fire Safety Training important?
First and foremost, the knowledge imparted during fire safety training just might save a life. With proper training and being more aware of what to do in the event of a fire, the chance of preventing a fire is greatly increased. Training can also help to reduce the amount of property damage caused by a fire. And finally, when it comes to the workplace, fire safety training is a legal requirement for all employees or volunteers under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
When Should Employees Receive Fire Safety Training?
Basic fire safety training should take place at the time that employees join the company as part of their induction. Fire Safety training should then be provided at least once every year. This frequency increases for businesses with a high turnover of staff, a higher risk of fire or if the staff are responsible for the safety of guests, care home residents or patients.
What Should Be Included In Fire Safety Training For Employees?
Employees should receive fire safety training in the following areas as a minimum:
- Prevention and Regulations
- What to do in the event of a fire
- Equipment
- Fire Alarms
The best way to ensure that employers meet their legal obligations and provide comprehensive training is to provide a professional fire safety training course to all employees. At Chris Garland Training, we offer a range of fire safety training courses and include face to face or online options for delivery.
Workplace Fire Safety Awareness
Our 3 hour guided learning Workplace Fire Safety Awareness course is aimed at all employees within an organisation. Once completed this course provides a basic understanding of roles and responsibilities regarding fire safety and fire prevention.
This face-to-face course is ideal for the induction of new employees or as a refresher for previous training. There is also an option to sit the Level 1 Award in Fire Awareness at Work upon completion – you simply need to select this when booking.
This course is also available as an e-learning option which is RoSPA, IFE & CPD Approved. The course provides a general understanding for employees and volunteers of basic fire awareness including what should be done in the event of a fire. It also includes how to prevent a fire from occurring and gives a basic introduction to the protocol of extinguishing a fire. NB: The method of delivery of this course does not provide the option for the Level 1 Fire Awareness at Work certification. You will need to choose the face-to-face option instead.
For those working and volunteering in care homes, we offer a specific Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes e-learning option. This coirse takes around 1 hour to complete. This option follows a similar syllabus to the previous courses but with a focus on fire safety awareness in the care home setting.
Fire Extinguisher Training
Our RoSPA approved online Fire Extinguisher Training course provides training for employees and volunteers. The training includes the common causes and chemistry of fire and covers the use of the different types of fire extinguishers. The course also provides the protocol for tackling a fire. Taking around 30 minutes to complete, this course is a cost-effective and convenient way to deliver this essential training.
Fire Marshal Training
The role of the fire marshal is essential in not only guiding people from a building in the event of a fire but to help identify possible fire risks in the first place and many other responsibilities in between. A professionally delivered course to train fire marshals new to their role or provide refresher training to those already in the role is essential for those holding this responsibility.
Final Word On Fire Safety Training
Whether you need a fire safety training course to be run at your premises, or you’d prefer to join us at our training centre, our suite of courses can be matched to your needs. Our training is suitable for workplace new starters, fire marshals and those looking for refresher training.
If you’re unsure which training course you should attend? We have a section in our FAQ page to help you decide, but if you’re still unsure, get in touch and we’ll help you get the best course for your needs.
If you’d like to discuss your training, email me now.